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CTE B-Lift 510 ends in Turkey

The first 51 metre CTE B-Lift 510 truck mounted lift that was launched at APEX in September, has been sold in Turkey, following a two month road show that took in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland, among others as it worked its way south and east.

In total the truck mounted lift covered over 3,000 km by the time it reached Izmir and was shown to Katmerciler, a company producing a wide range of vehicles, from fire ladders to dust carts/garbage trucks.
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The CTE B-510HR at Matexpo, in September

The 510 is mounted on a 26 tonne three axle Mercedes Axor chassis, with an overall length of 10 metres. It offers over 34 metres of outreach, and a maximum platform capacity of 450kg from its four section main boom and three section telescopic articulating jib.
