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Leach Lewis and Snorkel end agreement

Snorkel and Leach Lewis have agreed to end their UK distribution agreement that traded as Snorkel UK.

Discussions between the two companies over the future of the exclusive UK distribution agreement began earlier this year and as of last month the two parties agreed to part company.

The termination of the agreement, which was launched in November 2010, officially took effect at the start of March, after the two concluded that the current business model was no longer suitable to support future market developments.

Leach Lewis said: “The amicable separation marks the end of a 14 month relationship with many notable successes and that will now allow Leach Lewis and Snorkel to explore new opportunities.”

As part of the agreement Snorkel will assume full responsibility for the on-going product and technical support for existing Snorkel and Upright machines, whilst Leach Lewis says that it remains fully committed to its current customers and the industrial sector.
Click here to see Snorkel and Leach Lewis team up

Any Leach Lewis - formerly Snorkel UK - customers wishing to seek further clarification can contact Frank Iszard or James Darnley of Leach Lewis on 0845 642 1358 or email [email protected]

Vertikal Comment

Leach Lewis is still a relative newcomer to the access market and given the state of the market over the past few years it wodl have struggled. The odd thing is that it is given up the franchise at this point in the cycle, although given the extended lead times that some Snorkel models are now seeing perhaps it has its eyes on an alternative product line?

Such as one from China beging with D? Watch this space.
