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No standing on unprotected platforms

At the recent Safety and Health Expo, Peter Bennett, speaking on behalf of the Prefabricated Access Suppliers & Manufacturers Association (Pasma), announced that in light of the new Work at Height Rules, the association was saying “No More” to standing on unprotected platforms.
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"How it used to be done" the current method of tower erection

Clearly, standing on a platform with no edge protection or guardrails can be dangerous. After some study and discussion the association is recommending two alternative methods to install guard railing before standing on the platform.

There were a number of other possible solutions, some of which were discounted as they depended too much on the erectors remembering a fairly complex set of positioning and repositioning instructions

The two currently recommended and approved tower assembly, dismantling and alteration methods, in consultation with the HSE are: The Advance Guardrail method and the 3T, or through the trapdoor method.
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An "advance guardrail system"allows temporary guardrails to be put in place before anyone climbs up on to the platform

The Advance Guardrail method relies on an additional set of guardrails being used when assembling, dismantling or altering a tower. The extra guardrails can be placed ahead of the platform from the level below, before anyone gains access to the platform.

The 3T, or "through the trapdoor" method, allows the erector to position himself through the trap of the platform and place horizontal braces ahead of himself so that collective fall prevention measures are in place before he stands on the platform.
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The 3T or through the trapdoor method of installing a guardrail before standing on the platform.

Peter Bennett concluded “Using both of these methods, Pasma is now able to make a simple, but definitive statement, and this will be the clear message to all users and training delegates. You should never have to stand on an unprotected platform. The message is “Unprotected Platforms No More”!

Pasma is recommending this as best current practice, but is ready to adapt and extend the recomended practices as new ideas or designs come to the fore.
