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California Death Wish

Yet another example of someone oblivious to the dangers of working at height in the state that gave birth to the powered access industry.

A man working in a block of apartments in La Jolla, California, is using a very long ladder to paint the woodwork, bad enough you might think given that he is around seven or eight metres up, the ladder is not at a perfect angle and no one is footing it for him.
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A long ladder in La Jolla, California

However he clearly has no fear and is standing on the very top rung as he works on the top window frame.
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Oblivious to the risk he uses every bit of height the ladder gives

No question about this one a definite Death Wish

Vertikal Comment

Examples like this prove the point that the powered access business is very far from mature. The first powered access rental companies set up in California at the very start of the 1970s.

Booms and scissor lifts have been available to rent cheaply in every small town for at least a couple of decades. La Jolla is one of the wealthier cities and yet we receive countless examples like this one of small contractors who seem totally unaware of the efficiency and safety benefits of using powered access. A trailer lift, spider lift or small truck mount would have been ideal for this job.

Hopefully ladder man survived … this time.
