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Why do they do it?

Spotted by a reader in Poland a construction worker and machine operator showing off in what is clearly a stunt that should be reserved for the stage.

No question about it, this clip - which does not involve a crane, aerial work platform or telescopic handler – shows real skill and precision equipment.
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However the two are meant to be working and should the operator have been distracted, or one of a dozen other things that could have gone wrong - gone wrong - the smoker could easily have been killed and dozens of peoples lives seriously affected, from family to colleagues to the people who own the company and the developer.

All for the sake of showing off. Click here to see the video

Vertikal Comment

Don’t get me wrong, wringing all fun and fooling around out of the work environment can make it a very dull place to the point that the days drag, focus slips (exposing other risks), productivity possibly suffers along with the quality of work. But there have to be some limits.

A stunt like this is quickly forgotten, while the effects of it going wrong last for ever.


Simply bad judgement and dumb luck.

Jan 9, 2014