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Sales consultant to franchise

UK based Joint Venture Sales Consultants, a company established in 2011 by ex-Lavendon group sales director Andy Laking, is launching a franchise programme.

The company’s overall aim is to help independent rental companies to win new business, improve sales conversion rates and increase utilisation. In order to expand it plans to train and equip a number of franchisees to offer its consulting services and has launched a new programme for them to use dubbed ‘The New Rental Reality - Business Improvement Programme for Equipment Rental Companies’.

Joint Venture says that franchisees will receive extensive training and support, along with a ‘tool kit’, showing them how to forensically examine and understand a rental/hire business, from depot to the boardroom. It includes sales presentation and negotiation training, personal performance coaching and how to maximise rental revenues.
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Andy Laking

Laking said: “Everyone knows that customer churn is flawed practice, so we help companies develop the right long term relationships. But the biggest surprise to most rental companies I work with is that not all business is good business. By strategically replacing certain existing customers you can increase profitability. The biggest cost to any hire or rental business is an under performing sales team. A lot of companies exacerbate this with employee churn, which actually creates turmoil for their customers and their bottom line.”

“Most regional hire companies recognise they could benefit from another point of view on their business. Together ‘we’ are smarter than ‘me’. An affordable coach represents real and tangible benefits, accessible like never before. By re-examining and redefining the customer base you can achieve rental rate premiums. Our franchisees will work in partnership with rental companies to enhance revenues by using industry-specific engagement tools and plans.”
