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Wrong machine abused

Spotted on a job site in London, UK, a man using a push-around lift fully elevated outside on uneven ground. This when the machine, a Power Tower, is designed for indoor use only unit on firm level ground.

As if this was not enough, the five metre working height is clearly not quite sufficient so our man is standing on the mid guardrails to gain some extra height and even then he is having to stretch.
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An indoor machine used outdoors on uneven ground and then some.....

The abuse is also being watched by a colleague, and it looks like the site is managed by a major international contractor. Still our man has a hard hat and hi-viz coat on, so probably thinks he is invincible.

The chances of this unit overturning in these circumstances were very high – a definite one for our Death Wish series.


We have done many jobs on sites run by this French Contractor, they made our life hell at North Middx Hospital, obviously theres 2 sets of rules,whats suits them and what dosnt suit them.

Apr 1, 2014

Foolish man indeed for standing on the guard rails like that - its easy to see how to get more height from this platform.... there are Fork Lift pockets at the base of the machine, surely there would be a Telehandler on site that could have lifted the scissor lift that extra metre or two into the air and thereby give safe access...

Only Joking !!!

I do also note the guy in the background watching him, presumably did nothing about this and also wonder, do we always stop and photo these things before we stop the dangerous practice from continuing... human nature I suppose !

Mar 26, 2014

Kevin Morris
Looks very much like one of the hooks got caught in the end of the lifting beam on the Davit. Which in turn appears to be mounted on a single UB. The whole Davit doesn't look that safe, from the way it is mounted, to the length of the lifting beam & the shortness of the bracing.

Mar 26, 2014

Hey its only a funny picture on a website, isn't it ? Anyone notice there is a crane connected on that bit of steelwork ? No, thats because we don't give a sh!t really, as long as the job gets done we shall act like some third world country and just turn a blind eye to it.UK HSE are useless, prove me wrong.

Mar 25, 2014