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Interest in Bravi extends further than SED

Italian self propelled producer Bravi is very happy with the interest and orders for its compact 4.9 metre working height Leonardo, mast lift with dual deck extensions. By the end of the SED show it had sold all of its machines on its stand - seven in total - most bought by Access Plus Scotland.

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All machines on the Braviisol SED stand were sold

It also revealed that it has just sold Norwegian rental company Utleiecompagniet, UCO its 100th unit. In one single hospital project just outside Oslo, there are 40 lifts.
Another rental company, Hertz Materiel Dansk Lift A/S has recently started working with the Bravi, ordering two full container loads of machines for its rental fleet, a total of 36 machines.

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Braviisol sale to UCO

In the UK Brandon Tool Hire has added the MINIs into its rental fleet, with its first order in February this year.
