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New MD at HMF to boost market share

HMF has appointed Richard Everist as managing director of its UK distribution subsidiary, HMF (UK), with the objective to aggressively expand the company’s share of the British market.

Everist (40) oversaw a period of rapid growth at Boyriven Commercial Vehicle Components, which tripled its turnover in three years.
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Richard Everist

Already in place at HMF (UK) he says: “My first move has been to outline our exciting plans for the UK to our best 500 customers, telling them how we’re going to develop our range of services to serve them better.

“This company is committed to growth in the UK market. We’re already known for the quality and long-life of our products. But we recognise that in a competitive market, excellent product alone is not enough. It’s therefore also our aim to provide an aftermarket package that exceeds the expectations of our customers, by combining our global strength with local service”.

“As a result, having spent several months studying what our competitors aren’t doing, we’re promising to back up our quality products with the kind of service and commitment to providing solutions that our customers really need.

“One of our first actions is increasing the size of our fully-equipped mobile workshop fleet, manned by highly qualified engineers, supported by a rapid-response telephone helpline. Our customers have made it very clear they need an efficient on-call service – and that’s exactly what they’re going to get.”

HMF Group managing director Ove Trankjaer added: “As a group, we are totally committed to developing the HMF brand in the UK market and it will be a key part of Richard’s task to improve the organisation to deliver the service levels that HMF and our customers expect, and to ensure on-going customer satisfaction.

Everist will be supported by Andy Rigby, national sales manager, and Katrina Oxtoby, operations manager.
