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22.08.2006 features

Several of you have called this morning regarding the fact that the "E-mail this article to a colleague" feature is currently not working, this also applies to “contact us”, “sign up for email alerts”, “book an advert” and “on line subscriptions” features.

This is apparently due to a “Spam attack” on these parts of our web site. Our Swiss based server host has high levels of security and faced with such attacks, disables the target areas until the source can be blocked. We are working on the issue now and should have these features up and running again shortly.

For the thousands of you who only read the stories and use the banners or on-line directory. You will not notice anything. If you wish to contact us, book and advert or take out a subscription and the online service is not working, then please email us on [email protected]

Spam and “E-Casting”

For those of you who are less web-aware, Spam is the sending of unsolicited emails, largely adverts. For this reason we have consistently resisted pressures from advertisers to use our large on line database for “E-Casting” or “Web Casting”, often fancy names for Spam.

While the use of “email broadcasting” appears to be a good cheap way of advertising it is a pernicious and intrusive nuisance, which will most often alienate buyers to your company and its products.

Vertikal only sends email alerts to individuals that have signed up for the service. We do not send to people who have simply missed ticking the right box on some form they completed.

Many thanks again for those of you who called.
Leigh W Sparrow
