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Haulotte nominated

In total 246 companies were analysed with 21 companies going forward to the finals. Haulotte was the only company that was nominated for two of the seven trophies

Haulotte was nominated for:-

-The Economic performance trophy for achieving and managing revenue and profitability growth.
-The Excellence trophy, which looks at all aspects of the company.

The awards are organised by Euronext, MiddleNext and Ernst & Young Oddo &Cie. The objective is to reward small to medium capitalised companies that have best managed their development through the optimisation of their internal and external growth, and on the other side, the return on capital.

This is the second year for the trophies whose ultimate aim is to provide more exposure to small to medium sized public companies..

In the year being looked at, 2005, Haulotte increased its revenues by 45 percent and reported an operating margin of nearly 17 percent with the pace of growth continuing into 2006.
