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Stronger second day at SED

SED bucked its first day blues with a great second day yesterday, most stands reported good traffic levels and a higher level of serious buyers.

New comers from across the pond - Bil-Jax and Link-Belt both reported excellent days and both are likely to firm up representation following contacts made this week as well as at Bauma.
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In addition to two trailer lifts Bil-Jax had one of its industrial push-around lifts on display the CAT24

Facelift intrigued many visitors with its new 52 metre Bronto, which is fitted with a very clever mini-jib/searcher hook fitted to the main boom, which can lift 1.3 tonne glass panels into place while fitters working from the telescopic jib mounted basket guide and fix it into place.
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The 52 metre Bronto has a small lattice extension on the main boom which is fitted with a winch and can lift 1.3 tonnes, meanwhile glaziers can work from the jib mounted basket, guide and fixing panels into place.

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The new 52m Bronto lifting device and platform on the Facelift stand

The Vertikal stand was both understaffed and busy all day long, the understaffing courtesy of Easy Jet, which left our Frieburg staff stranded in Basle for two days!
We look forward to seeing more of you on today, the last day of the show. The weather forecasts predict even warmer temperatures.

We have plenty more to report, but will save much of it for a round up at the end of the week.

Access Days in Milton Keynes also had a busy day and a busier night, with many access buyers shuttling between the two events.
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Access Days at the Kingfisher country club

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Access Days is also open Today - Thursday
