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New measures to tackle rogue hauliers

Rogue hauliers face fines and vehicles immobilised under new safety measures unveiled for consultation today by Roads Minister Dr Stephen Ladyman.

The measures will also ensure that hauliers based outside Britain cannot escape punishment, by giving the Police and inspectors from the Vehicle Operator and Services Agency (VOSA) the power to collect on-the-spot penalties from anyone without a valid British address.

VOSA inspectors will also get the power to issue fixed penalty notices, providing a powerful new tool with which to tackle offenders.

Stephen Ladyman said: "We're calling time on drivers who think they can offend here and then disappear without risk of punishment. This is about making our roads safer and creating a level playing field across Europe."

"Our message couldn't be clearer: whether you live here or abroad, don't think you can get away with breaking the rules of the road."

The measures that are out for consultation will improve road safety by making it easier to penalise hauliers who break driving hours, weight or vehicle safety regulations. As well as providing a powerful deterrent to any driver who is considering flouting the rules, the new powers will reduce the burden on the Courts which are currently the only means of penalising overseas offenders.

The on-the-spot fines would be taken in the form of 'deposits', equivalent to the value of the fine likely to be imposed. Offenders will then be given the chance to contest the charge in Court.

Currently the Police and VOSA have the power to prohibit a driver and vehicle that breaks the rules, ie. to order the vehicle to remain stationary for a fixed period of time. Under the new rules the Police and VOSA will be able to immobilise any vehicle - whether based in Britain or overseas - if they believe there is a risk that the driver will continue with the journey before the prohibition has expired or if the driver refuses to pay the deposit.
