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New regulations means more holidays in the UK

The UK government has published new regulations which boost minimum vacation entitlement.

Six million workers in Britain have today been promised up to eight extra days annual holiday with the first four coming in October this year. The extra holidays will benefit up to 3.5 million women and 2.5 million men.

The new regulations boosts minimum holiday entitlement from 20 days a year to 24 days this October and to 28 days from April 2009.

For most employers these changes will not add to the existing holiday entitlements they are required to give. Most employers already provide 20 paid days-off plus eight bank holidays, making a total of 28.

However some employers (perfectly legally) take bank holidays out of the 20 day minium entitlement, reducing the non bank holiday allowance to 12 days. Once the 28 day allowance is law more comapnies are naturally expected to take bank holidasy from the minimum requirement.

Jim Fitzpatrick, DTI Employment Relations Minister said:

"This extra time off will make a real difference in the lives of hard-working people - a proper rest from work and more time to spend with their families and friends.

"Businesses will benefit too - from reduced absenteeism and a workforce who are more motivated and productive.

"We have listened to all parties responding in the latest consultation, and we have agreed a number of changes in the way the new holidays will be brought in."

This means:

* To encourage early implementation and simplify arrangements for good employers who decide to offer their workers the entitlement faster, the regulations state that those companies who offer their workers 28 days leave or more by 1 October 2007 and meet certain other related standards will not be bound by the new legislation, so long as they continue to meet these standards.

* As a transitional measure, companies will be allowed to continue to buy out the additional leave entitlement (the four extra days) introduced from October 2007 until 1st April 2009.

* After 1st April 2009 the buyout of any of the additional leave entitlement will cease.

* All part-time workers will be entitled to the extra holidays pro-rata.

* The DTI will set up an online calculator to make it simpler for everybody to work out their new holiday entitlement
