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First Bluelift ST31 Hybrid for Emco

Scottish rental company Emco Services has taken delivery of the first 31 metre Ruthmann Bluelift ST 31 Hybrid telescopic spider lift. The diesel powered ST31 was unveiled at Platformer Days last September with deliveries commencing towards year end, while the hybrid version was launched at Bauma last October.

The ST31 offers up to 18 metres of outreach with a platform capacity of 100kg, 16 metres with 200kg and 15 metres with 320kg, while the maximum capacity of 400kg is available at 13 to 14 metres outreach - depending on slew position.
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The Bluelift ST31 Hybrid working on 5G telephone masts

The machine has a variable track width ranging from 1.14 metres stowed to 1.62 metres, fully extended, an overall height of 1.99 metres and an overall length of 7.8 metres with basket - or 7.46 metres when removed. Total weight is 4,695kg. Having arrived a few weeks ago it has since been working on the installation of 5G radio antennae.
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Based in Aberdeen, Emco Services was established in 2002 with a strong focus on top end aerial work platforms, including booms, scissor lifts, trailer lifts, spider lifts, low level access equipment and accessories such as man baskets for cranes. It also offers telehandlers and small earthmoving equipment.
