Harness On for Iberia
Spanish rental company LoxamHune – part of the Loxam group, has adopted the ‘Harness On’ safety system
developed by sister company Nationwide Platforms in the UK.
LoxamHune will start installing the system on boom lifts at all of its access related outlets in Spain and Portugal. The system prevents the machine from operating until a harness lanyard has been clipped on to a special anchor point link, which is wired into the controls.
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The Harness On link
LoxamHune operates from 76 locations throughout Spain, Portugal and associated islands, 51 of which run platforms. Loxam
acquired Hune in 2017 and today the combined Iberian operates generate more than €165 million in revenues with over 850 employees.
They abound
Nice of you to join in, Eric! I'm sure we all have opinions, and I'm sure I'm right, as always!
You seem a little alone on this one "They abound" :)
They abound
Okay, lads, where do we start? Who's first, then?