
Palazzani North America opens

Palazzani has opened a new direct sales and service operation in the USA - Palazzani North America.

Located in Miami, Florida, it marks a significant step in the company’s geographic expansion plans and takes over from former distributor Spimerica which has handled the account since 2020.

The new venture will also handle sales into Canada and is well position for future management of markets further south. It will provide sales and service training along with full after-sales support services, while also managing major accounts and local dealers.

Company president Paola Palazzani said: "This is a very important moment for Palazzani Industrie. The decision to open a new branch in Miami stems from our commitment to supporting and staying close to our American customers, as well as expanding our dealer network. We are excited to provide efficient service and further solidify our presence in this market that is of great importance to us."
The TSJ 25C becomes the TSJ 82C for North America

Palazzani chief operating officer Francesco Zola added: "Our direct presence in the region will allow us to be closer to our customers, to better understand their needs, and to respond more promptly and effectively. This expansion reflects our long term commitment to the North American market and our confidence in its growth potential. We are confident that this step will bring us great satisfaction."
The tree market is a major market sector for spider lifts in North America and is currently dominated by CMC and Platform Basket

Vertikal Comment

This is a chance for a fresh start for the Italian manufacturer which has had issues with its former distributor for the past year, culminating with fighting a court case against it, which it won.

Palazzani is a little late to the wider market compared to CMC and Platform Basket, mostly due to the past four years not quite going as well as it might have hoped. It does however, have products that also go head to head with Falcon for the relatively substantial US atrium market, where it competes well in terms of specification and pricing.

With a clean slate and an enthusiastic management team with a point to prove in the US it could/should do very well with this new arrangement.
