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New records for Vertikal.Net

March was another record month for Vertikal.Net readership exceeding 100,000 visitors for the first time and almost 5 million hits.

The statistics are:

Hits 4,845,894

Pages viewed 1,938,224

Number of visitors 102,172 from 46,902 separate IP addresses/Unique

Total bandwidth consumed: 157.84 GB

Many thanks for all of you who have supported us with news input, photography, and of course those who make it all possible with their sponsorship though, banners and links from our online directory.

You can help sponsor us for just £175 a year for an entry in the online Access and Lifting Directory with hot link to your site and publication of your web address in every issue of the magazine.

We are still working on the new web site and hope to go live later this month.
