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Skyjack Revenues double

Skyjack parent company, Linmar has announced that “Exceptional sales from Skyjack” in the first quarter of 2004 has helped to boost group revenues by 16 percent to C$437 million ($318/£178 million). Skyjack sales for the quarter almost doubled to around C$60 million ($43/£24 million)

Linamar group net profit at C$20.2 million ($14.7/£8.2) was up by eight million Canadian dollars, a 63 percent increase on 2003, entirely due to a C$10.4 million ($7.6/£4.2 million) improvement in the operating profit of “other products”, largely Skyjack: from a loss of C$6.6 million ($4.8/2.7 million) in 2003 to a profit of C$3.8 million ($2.7/£1.5 million) in 2004.

Linamar attributed the $10.4 million swing to better market conditions and Skyjack's cost-cutting and new manufacturing strategy. Which includes a higher concentration on outsourcing, design, assembly, marketing, and distribution.

Skyjack also helped boost group sales to the USA fro the quarter from C$8.3 to C$29 million. Skyjack sales to Europe represented around 10 percent of revenues, which equates to approximately C$6million ($4.4/£2.5 million).

Vertikal Comment
If, as forecast, Skyjack maintain this first quarter performance, its 2004 revenues could easily top $150 million (£84 million). Placing it firmly ahead of UpRight as the world’s fourth largest producer of Self Propelled lifts and possibly making it the third largest producer of scissor lifts.
