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Filipov back at Atlas?

According to local reports employees at Atlas, currently a division of Terex have been told that the buyer is a company called Blitz F10-7 GmbH. A search of the company registrations reveals that Blitz F10-7 is an ‘Off the shelf’ company used to acquire the Atlas business and that Fil Filipov is behind it.
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Fil Filipov

Local media have also picked up on the Filipov connection. Filipov was behind the purchase of Atlas by Terex back in 2001 following a strange period when he was advising the previous owners while running Terex, his son Steve was seconded to the business from Terex prior to the Terex acquisition.
Click here to see Terex buys Atlas
Filipov left Terex at the end of 2003 and was involved with another German buy out through a business called Filco which acquired the Clark Mannheim fork truck business. The company Clark business ran into difficulties and was later liquidated after becoming involved with Airtrax in the USA.

Terex has yet to make any official announcement regarding the purchaser and has not confirmed the reports coming out of Atlas.
