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Spot the Death Wish

A photo sent in from a reader in the UK looks like a photo shoot for an HSE campaign. See how many infractions or unsafe practices you can spot.
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The scene almost looks like something from a health & safety film of how not to do it

We are not sure where this came from but most likely the Midlands area of England. A man is working on the first floor of a three storey building his access method a ledge!

This is not the first such example that we have seen this year, it seems that tradesmen working over a shop are particularly prone to taking risks with their lives.
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Amazing that this still goes on

Not only that they endanger those below with the risk that they will injure them when they fall on top of them or almost as bad traumatise them with the mess the create on the pavement should they fall badly.

Amazing that this sort of thing should still be going in Europe after all the Work At Height Regulation publicity.
