Articles filtered by topic: Low Level

June 2023 – Vol. 25, Issue 3 Low level access (PDF, 1.47 MB)
The market and usage of low level powered access equipment continues to grow and is generating more than its fair share of new products and innovation while attracting new players to the market. We take a look at how the sector has developed.

June 2022 – Vol. 24, Issue 3 Low level access (PDF, 1.13 MB)
Falls from heights of less than five metres are the biggest cause of life changing injuries and fatalities. Using low level work platforms increase safety as well as being more cost effective. We review the sector as well as visiting the latest access manufacturer Metal & Modular to find out more about its new all mechanical Navigator 6.0.

July/August 2020 – Vol. 22, Issue 5 Low level platforms (PDF, 2.68 MB)
Fall from heights of less than five metres is the biggest cause of life changing injuries and fatalities. It is also a major cause of minor injuries as tradesmen move or climb ladders and steps. Low level work platforms are safer, as well as being more cost effective! We take a look at the market, some of the latest new products and make a virtual visit to the new Power Towers plant in Leicester.