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Crane goes up in flames

A crane caught fire whilst driving on a road to Lüneburg, German in the early hours of yesterday morning.

What looks to be a 750 tonne Liebherr LG1750, owned by German based joint venture crane rental company Neeb-Schuch, was reportedly travelling on the A39 road towards Lüneburg when the safety vehicle noticed flames emerging from the undercarriage.
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The extinguished crane

Once notified the driver brought the crane to a stop, at which point the flames rapidly spread after coming in to contact with its hydraulic oil. In total it took 50 fire-fighters over an hour and a half to extinguish the flames. Fortunately no one was injured however the incident did cause delays into Lüneburg.
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In total it took 50 fire-fighters and over an hour and a half to extinguish the flames

Although still under investigation initial findings suggest that the vehicle suffered from a technical defect.


that crane looks brand new = expensive!

Jul 31, 2013