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Merrell to leave Lavendon

UK-based international access rental group Lavendon has announced the departure of group finance director Alan Merrell.

Merrell joined the company in 1998 from TNT where he was international finance director and has been a constant at Lavendon since then, serving four chief executives in that time - David Price, Geoffrey Gestetner, Kevin Appleton and Don Kenny. He will be succeeded by Tom Murray who joined the UK operation - Nationwide Platforms - as finance director last year.
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Alan Merrell

Chief executive Don Kenny said: “Alan’s departure is most certainly the end of an era for Lavendon as he has been a cornerstone of our success story. On a personal note, I would like to thank Alan for his valued partnership over the last few years and I know everyone at Lavendon wishes Alan the very best for the future. He leaves Lavendon in very good hands as we enter a new and exciting chapter with Loxam Group.”
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Tom Murray

Vertikal Comment

With the acquisition of Lavendon by Loxam, I suppose this move was predictable, however it still comes as something of a shock. Alan Merrell was almost part of the furniture at Lavendon. In his 19 years with the company he has not only worked with a variety of different characters – from David Price to David Shipman and more recently Don Kenny - but he has also seen the company pass through numerous ups, downs and transformations as well as several moves to take it private, including a take-over approach by an unnamed private equity firm in 2002 and an attempted MBO by the executive directors - including Merrell - that same year. In 2010 the company successfully fought off an unsolicited bid from TVH and then again last year, although this time it resulted in the acquisition by Loxam.

For many years Merrell was heavily involved in the company’s annual machine purchases and was always a tough but fair negotiator - it was a pleasure doing business with him.

After so many years in the same job he is probably long overdue for a change of scenery, but at 57 he is hardly ready for the pasture.


Hope all goes well in the future, it was good to meet you and put a face to the name. I'm certain there are a few industry sales guys breathing a sigh of relief! I'm sure a well earned rest for you and time with your family is well deserved. It will be interesting to see how things develop for the top talent at Lavendon.

May 31, 2017