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Washing the roof

It’s the season, the roof washers are out – this one spotted by a reader in the UK, at what looks like a new build or major renovation.

The man has a scissor lifts, but obviously that’s only able to take him up to the roof. In the words of our correspondent: "One for your death wish series. On top of McDonalds in Cleethorpes. He has used a scissor lift to access the roof. Once on the roof - no fall protection, plus a wet surface = slip and fall. Why take the risk for mere £££s?"

This sort of thing occurs regular, amazing that there are not more serious injuries given the risks. Defintitely one for our Death Wish series.
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Out on the roof


The following was recieved from Bowmer & Kirkland shortly after publication stating:

"Further to your photograph entitled ‘Washing the Roof’
This sub-contractor was working on one of our Key Property Solutions’ sites in Cleethorpes. We take Health and Safety on our sites very seriously. He was seen by our site manager and instantly issued with a red card for working without a fall restraint, edge protection and in breach of our site rules. He was excluded from site and will not be returning."


Good Morning Mr Accessible

The HSE will confirm that Eight Thousand, Nine Hundred and Forty Five ( 8945) Men and Women have now been killed at Work in UK since Parliament first enrolled The HSW etc Act in 1974 and you think?.

" Dont we surely babysit too much now ? "

Please reconsider your priorities, as it is now Highly Cost-Effective for all UK Employers to pro-actively manage Safety from A to Z.

Why, because Worker Safety is much too important to leave it to chance.

Kind Regards
Mike Ponsonby

Jun 12, 2017

Don't we surely babysit too much now?

Jun 10, 2017