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Lift on the back of a truck

A reader has sent us a photograph of a mast boom being operated while sitting on the back of an articulated trailer, as the truck’s loader crane cleans solar panels.

Whilst the email was headed “Possible Death Wish”, our reader’s comment simply said: “Unusual!!” We agreed and thought we would dig a little deeper. By chance we recognised the logo and loader crane set up as coming from Toggenburger - the crane and aerial lift rental company based in Winterthur, Switzerland.

A quick look on its website revealed how Toggenburger’s Bern depot has developed a method of cleaning large roof-mounted solar panels, mostly on farms. It attaches a boom extension with a brush device to a number of large articulated loader cranes mounted on three and four axle tractor units. The cleaning arm and brush is carried on a semi trailer behind the tractor unit, as is a mast boom.
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Crane and aerial lift operating form the same truck

The mast boom remains on the trailer firmly tied down, and is used purely by the crane operator who operates both the crane and the cleaner via remote controls from the platform of the mast boom. This gives him a first class view of the work. But is it a Death Wish? Well hardly. OK operating a platform from an unstabilised trailer is clearly a No No- and does carry some risk, although given that the trailer is large and the mast boom stays within the trailer width, that risk is very low.

On the other hand the operator could have offloaded the platform and operated it on firm ground. This would not only be safer, but also - depending on ground conditions - he could move along the building as cleaning progresses for an even better view. This would of course depend on how smooth and consistent the ground was - and given that much of this work is on farms........

While we agree it is definitely not best practice, we think it is border line in terms of a Death Wish. Check the video below to see how well the concept works

Comments please

Have a safe weekend


Innovative application, and provided the operator is suitably proficient this Swiss contractor is on to a winner.

Jul 31, 2018

He's left his chinstrap undone and he's not wearing glasses or gloves, the maniac!
Nice bit of work quickly done, though. Obviously done it before and survived. Can't fault that.

Jul 27, 2018

There's obviously a shortage of news....whats next.

Jul 27, 2018