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Death wish in a Barrel

Photos from a reader in France show a man working from a platform suspended from a crane – but what a platform!
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Working on the finishing touches to a new build with crane and platform

The photos clearly reveal that the crane and most likely the man in the platform are Chinese, other clues suggest that the incident occurred in the Mahgreb or somewhere in Francophone Africa.
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The platform consists of a 45 gallon drum and a four legged sling

Western work at height rules often stipulate that crane suspended baskets should only ever be used when no alternatives are possible. This case goes many steps beyond that and it is amazing that this man did not fall, or perhaps he did? Hopefully this was a one off to get the job done and the platform was scrapped afterwards….. I wouldn’t count on it though.
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As if the platform is not dodgy enough the user does not hesitate to lean over

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One assumes the man did not fall - by luck more than judgement


The thing missing is the fish tank so he can go dunking for fish.

Nov 28, 2011