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UK confirms position on new crane directive

The UK’s Health & Safety Executive has confirmed that it will enforce the new Rated Capacity Limiter override arrangements in spite of the delay in publication of EN13000:2010.

The latest version of the machinery directive 2006/42/EC came into force at the end of December and requires the consideration of reasonably foreseeable misuse of the equipment.

The delayed update to the standard highlighted the inappropriate use of the over-ride device on the Rated Capacity Limiter as an area of foreseeable misuse and incorporated a set-up button for rigging and the placing of the override outside of the cab plus the fitting of a data logger to monitor use of the override.

With no current standard in place that fully complies with the new directive crane manufacturers and importers must ensure that any crane built and certified after December 29th 2009 must be checked for compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements of the new directive. An the HSE is saying that it is adamant that this means that the new override and set up buttons in the delayed standard must be fitted.

Under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 the HSE has powers to take enforcement action with both suppliers and users mobile cranes, where they have not complied with Health and Safety Legislation.

The authorities in each European country will of course have their own view on this subject or in some cases may choose to remain silent on the subject. Given all the debate and the existence of a completed, although not harmonised, standard it is advisable that the view voiced by the HSE on this is followed, no matter where you are. Otherwise in the case of an accident which may be related to the improper use of an override switch, the cards would be severely stacked against you,


Roger Dean
I think David that you have to leave the cab and use a key to activate a temporary overide..which will allow you to lower the boom??

Mar 14, 2010

David Cross
i take it this is the sli over ride key?
if so how does the operator lower the boom if he has gone back against the stop which would show as a overload but in reality has only over pressured the lift cylinder .ie when working at max angle and lowering off slightly allowing the boom to un deflect thus say going over the max 82,9 deg which my machine goes to ,

Mar 11, 2010