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New operator’s safety guide

UK based access rental company Facelift has published a new pocket sized Operators Safety Guide to Mobile Elevating Work Platforms which can be downloaded free of charge.

The company has conferred with numerous industry sources and experts, including the International Powered Access Federation – IPAF – the Health & Safety Executive and The Vertikal Press, publishers of Vertikal.Net. Although the most important contribution has come from Facelifts training and technical staff, using their 'hands-on' experience to tailor the guide to the needs of real users.
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The new operators guide

Facelift managing director Gordon Leicester, a long time champion of safety while working at height, says that the project was spurred on by the need for a more visually attractive and less expensive guide to the selection and safe use of aerial lifts which is cheap enough to be given away with every rental and for contractors to issue to all of its employees.

The 48 page guide certainly has ‘curb appeal’ with liberal use of good quality coloured photography, combined with a good print and binding job. The basic content is of course based on well proven guides such as the IPAF Operators Safety Guide. It has the advantage in that it has been written primarily with the UK market in mind, although given the fact that EU regulations are standard throughout Europe it will prove useful over a much wider area.

The guide is comprehensive, well written in concise plain and to the point English and most importantly it is well illustrated making it easy to get the point and encouraging those who hate manuals to read it. We were impressed enough to offer to support the project on the basis that its distribution could make a significant positive contribution to operator knowledge and safety. As part of that support we plan to insert a free copy into the UK distribution of the May/June issue of Cranes & Access. The guide can also be downloaded free of charge by clicking on the relevant banner on this web site or directly from Facelifts web site. To go directly to the page Click here.
