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Belarusian Death Wish

Some photos sent in by a reader in Belarus show that no matter where you go working at height can still be haphazard in how it is carried out and is often dangerous.
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The work was on the top of a modern building

Our man spotted the three men working on the fourth floor of a modern building, going up in the capital city of Minsk. The men were working from a makeshift collection of loose boards, supported by Doka beams resting on free standing Acrow props. Note also the total absence of any guardrails or attempt at edge protection.
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The men were working on the fourth floor

The primitive wooden ladder also says a lot – no expense spared here!
In the words of our reader: “Look at this they even have no linked harness belts, it is wintertime and everything is covered by ice and snow. Brave people! Or Idiots.”
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The platform shows no signs of any attempt to make it safe
