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Loxam continues expansion with Etup’Loc takeover

Loxam has announced the acquisition of Etup’Loc a major French access and telehandler rental company with National coverage. This is the second major acquisition for the French company in as many months, in December it purchased Loueurs de France BTP a €50 million general rental company with a 500 strong access rental fleet. (See Vertikal.Net December 23rd
Loxam Dec )

Etup’Loc, which is based in Habsheim near Mulhouse in Eastern France, had revenues in 2004 of €12,5 million and was owned by Sandro Pilleri. The business had been built up over 13 years and at its peak claimed to operate a fleet of 1,800 with a range of over 180 different models operating from 18 locations around France.

The past three years have been difficult for Access companies in France and Etup’Loc with its large fleet and network had suffered from the market difficulties, it is understood that at least four locations had been closed and that the fleet at the time of sales was closer to 1,000 units.

Loxam intends to run the Etup’Loc operation as a separate business as it already does with a number of other specialist rental companies including the newly acquired Loueurs de France BTP. Sandro Pilleri will not be involved with the company once the transaction is completed.

In a separate announcement this week, Loxam also confirmed the purchase of the Ireland Access fleet which added to Etup’Loc and Loueurs de France takes its Access fleet to around 5,600 units making the Loxam group the second largest Access rental company in Europe after Lavendon.

It should also take the groups rental income up to around €435 million, assuming it can hold the revenues of the acquired businesses, making it the largest rental company in Europe in terms of revenues.
