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Intervect to change its name

Intervect AB the Swedish headquartered holding company of mast climbing and hoist producers Hek manufacturing BV of Holland and Alimak AB of Sweden has announced that it is changing its name to Alimak-Hek.
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The New name has a new logo

The company says that expects that the new name is part of a new Market driven strategy following a period of restructuring. It believes that the new name which comprises its two well known brand names will help create a stronger, more consistent image and geared to grow the Group's worldwide market leading position.

Intervect AB, the holding company was set up in May 2001 and is jointly owned by 3i group plc, the UK based venture capital group and Ratos AB of Sweden. In addition to the two manufacturing operations the group also includeds 14 sales and service companies around the world.
