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Boom lift in Orbit

The massive 115 metre high Mittal Orbit structure currently being completed as the centrepiece of London’s Olympic Park, has involved a large number of cranes and access platforms in its construction.

In order to complete the final structural stages, UK based rental company Hi-Reach working in partnership with structural steel specialists Watson Steel Structures, part of the Severfield Rowen group, has provided an unusual access solution.

A 70ft Niftylift HR21 self-propelled articulated boom lift was lifted onto a platform within the structure, where it was able to provide access for the last stages of the construction. Given its height and the nature of the work area, Hi-Reach devised a bespoke automatic fire suppression system to provide an additional safety measure for the operators.
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The 21 metres of working height, compact dimensions and low weight made the Niftylift HR21 boom an ideal platform worker.

The lift was chosen for its compact dimensions, low overall weight and working envelope. Hi-Reach also provided a number of other units on the project, including a number of 43 metre self-propelled booms.
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Another view of the ‘caged’ HR21 which was equipped with a bespoke fire retarding system.

The project has also employed a wide range of cranes, but three Kobelco crawler cranes, from Weldex, led by the 400 tonne capacity Kobelco SL4500 have carried out the bulk of the work.

The crane was chosen for its ability to lift the heavy structural sub-assemblies, weighing up to 50 tonnes each, reducing the number of lifts and the working at height. It is equipped with a 72 metre main boom, with a 36 metre luffing jib that has been extended to 66 metres for the top lifts.
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A 450 tonne Kobelco crawler crane did much of the heavier lifting work, assisted by two 100 tonners.

Two 100 tonne crawler cranes equipped with man-basket have also been used to provide access for some of the fitting and installation work in addition to their lifting duties.
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The striking Anish Kapoor designed Orbit is due to be completed in the Spring and at 115 metres, will be the tallest sculpture in Britain and some 22 metres higher than New York’s Statue of Liberty.
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Spot the three boom lifts as two of the Kobelcos tandem lift one of the larger elements into place.
