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Happy New Year

Another year has passed, a challenging but better one for most of us involved with cranes, aerial lifts and telehandlers.

2012 could be better still, but may also go the other way, thanks to very high levels of uncertainty as austerity budgets begin to bite and the fate of the Euro looks less than 100 percent certain.

As an optimist I think that 2012 will be marginally better than 2011 at the start, picking up more strongly in the second half. Although I acknowledge that there is little to no science to this forecast. But there again any economist or other expert who declares they know what will happen is a liar, in spite of their projections – especially the gloomier ones – being trumpeted as fact by the mass media.

Anyway enough pontificating. On behalf of the entire team Vertikal team I would like wish all of you a very happy, Healthy and prosperous year in 2012.

And to thank all of you who supported us in 2011, we very much appreciate it, as without you nothing we do would be possible. From those who support this web site with banners and directory entries, to advertisers and sponsors for our magazines, to the many of you who honour us with a regular subscription to Cranes & Access and Kran & Bühne, to the many readers who send us breaking news, tip-offs and photographs, not forgetting those who make Vertikal Days and Tabs events possible.

A very big thank you from all of us.

Finally while producing the look back at 2011 feature for the January issue of Cranes & Access, one realises that as with any year, our industry lost many good people in 2011 - through age, illness or accidents. Life is short – we need to make the most of it.

So on that note, once again I wish you a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

Leigh Sparrow
