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When things go wrong

Several of you sent us a video of a container handling fork-truck lifting a 45ft container from a spot five containers high – 12 metres to the top of the container it is lifting.

Given the set-up it looks like a training session is going on here in one of the Nordic countries. All goes well until the fork truck pulls out from the restricted space between the containers and starts to go into a turn.
Click here to go directly to the video
Thankfully no one was hurt in the incident, however it does show how having some fat margins for error are desirable when you are working at a great height. Quite different from lifting to the limit when the load is close to the ground.

The video is self-explanatory.
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Had to upright a lot of these trucks with cranes, due to bad driving and bad ground conditions. It looks like this driver escaped a bad injury but have been to sites where the drivers have been badly injured.

Mar 2, 2012