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Singing from a spider

Rising soprano, Laura Wright, took to the air in a spider lift when she sang for queen Elizabeth II, during a diamond jubilee event in London’s Richmond Park last week.

The spider lift, a Teupen Leo 30T was provided by Witham, Essex based rental company MBS Tracked Access, to take the 21 year-old million album soprano to the perfect position to sing to the queen, princess Alexandra and the audience at the open air performance which is part of Wild London, a free community event celebrating London's woodlands, parks and gardens organised by Richmond council and the royal parks.
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The soprano is telescoped to centre stage

Thanks to the Leo 30T’s 15.7 metres of outreach, MBS was able to stage the machine’s base unit in a discreet position away from the main crowd, then telescope Wright safely across to take centre-stage to perform ‘Stronger as One’, an official Diamond Jubilee anthem.

MBS managing director, Martyn Bass, said: “Laura was a little nervous at first about being in the air but Teupen platforms are so solid she was quickly reassured and able to concentrate on her performance. She was also grateful to borrow one of our jackets as it was quite cold and windy on the platform that day.” It is also good to see that she was wearing a harness and short lanyard.
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Martyn Bass (L), of MBS with Laura Wright in the Teupen Leo 30T
