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Utility worker electrocuted

A man working on overhead power lines from the bucket of a utility/service truck was electrocuted on Monday in Shakopee, Minnesota, while three colleagues received serious shocks.

The man working from the bucket of a utility truck was working on a 12,000 volt overhead power line when he was struck by an arc flash-over. He remained in the bucket and had to be brought down by the ground crew, he was rushed to hospital for treatment for severe burns.

The three others were working on the same line, but underground and were injured in a similar way. Two of the men have since been released however one man, whose condition is unknown, remains in hospital.
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The blackened bucket of the utility truck struck by the arc flash

Arc flashes have become the focus of attention from OSHA which strongly recommends the wearing of protective clothing in order to minimise the risk of an arc flash which can create temperatures as high as 20,000 degrees Celsius/36,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

All four men worked for Shakopee Public Utilities which is currently investigating the cause of the incident.
