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Prices must go up, warns Ainscough

Ainscough Crane Hire Ltd has taken the unusual step of issuing an open letter, via the latest edition of Cranes & Access, warning customers that prices will be going up.

The author, managing director Ray Ledger, cites a lack of profits and high levels of debts as the major push behind the hire rates increase. He also points out that changes in Health and Safety and Transport laws are a ‘dramatic influence’, particularly mentioning the introduction of corporate manslaughter rulings.

In the letter, which you will find as a loose insert in the March/April magazine, Ledger makes no apology for the news, making it clear that Ainscough’s stance is that, in order to offer quality and safety to their customers, it has no other alternative than to push up prices. In fact, says Ledger, if your present supplier is not presenting you with the same harsh truths, you should be concerned about compromises in safety and quality.

Any enquiries should be made to Ainscough Marketing on 01257 478524 or [email protected]
