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Access veterans

A group photo taken during Conexpo, held in Las Vegas last week, includes a number of industry veterans and luminaries.

With Snorkel now under the control of Don Ahern – a veteran Snorkel buyer – Conexpo provided an opportunity to reassure and convince customers and distributors of the manufacturer’s future.

At the same time Ahern took the opportunity to bring together a number of key people – including one of the founders and most of the previous owners - from Snorkels past- along with another well known founder of an aerial lift manufacturer.

In the photograph, taken during a tour of the Xtreme Manufacturing plant in Las Vegas are- from left to right, Wolf Haessler founder of Skyjack, Don Ahern of Xtreme/Ahern Rentals, Art Moore the man that founded Snorkel in 1958 and the driving force behind its subsequent growth and later acquisition of Economy Engineering, Al Havelin the lead investor in Elwood Holdings which bought the defunct Snorkel busines from Textron/Omniquip in 2002 and then sold it to Tanfield in 2007 for $125 million, Daren Kell who acquired Snorkel from Havelin while chief executive of Tanfield and Enoch Stiff who was chief executive of Omniquip when it acquired Snorkel from Figgie International in 1997, Omniquip also owned Lull and Skytrack telehandlers, which it sold to JLG.
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(L-R) Skyjack founder Wolf Haessler, Don Ahern, Snorkel founder Art Moore, Al Havelin – Snorkel owner 2002-2007, Daren Kell ex-CEO of Tanfield -Snorkel owner 2007–2013 and Enoch Stiff ex-CEO of Omniquip - Snorkel's owner 1997–2002


Nick Leeson
They all look well fed.

Mar 14, 2014