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Hewden buys 22 Demags

Major investment at Hewden Crane Hire has been confirmed with the announcement that Demag Mobile Cranes is to deliver 22 new mobile cranes between June and September. The deal is part of a £6 million deal that sees the Hewden group buying 25 mobile cranes from Demag.

The cranes ordered include Demag’s successful 30 tonne and 50 tonne capacity city cranes, as some 80 tonne and 200 tonne machines. Hewden is trading in its AC 2000 and a 400 tonne Liebherr as part of the deal.

“This gives us the latest technology and shows the total commitment of our owner Finnings and our main board to the crane hire sector” said Alec Lowe, director and general manager of Hewden Crane Hire in an interview with

“All the cranes have been bought by us and are not subject to finance” said Lowe adding that this emphasised the fundamental strength of the group.
