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Any guesses?

A reader has sent in a picture of an unusual aerial work platform and asked the question – do you know what it is?

Spotted on a site in Saudi Arabia, the correspondent goes on to say: “It's a very simple looking machine - just one hydraulic ram for elevating, but surprisingly for such a basic looking machine it does have stabilisers. It looks like it is able to slew and it certainly doesn't telescope. A fairly limited machine in all - its only benefit is it looks like it might be more capable on a road system.”

We did actually manage to trace the machine before posting this story, but thought it might challenge you experts out there. There was a model number printed on the boom that, to be fair, helped us track the machine. But in order to rely on expertise rather than internet searching alone we have removed it.
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If you think you know what this is please feel free to get in touch!

If you think you know the manufacturer and or model let us know by either leaving a comment or emailing us at: [email protected]


Roger Wickens
Hi, is it made by Beeco, Egypt, could be a Scorpion?

Aug 5, 2015