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Another fork and pallet job

Spotted on Friday in the UK, a man pressure washing the roof of an industrial building while standing on a shipping pallet some five metres above the ground.

The incident occurred in West Yorkshire, right next door to a large powered access rental company. Someone from the company, seeing new tenants moving in do the neighbourly thing and went round and offered to loan them a boom lift complete with a harness and some on the job training – all free of charge.
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Working next door to a major powered access rental company in the UK

The offer was declined along with any pointed in the risks involved with the access method being employed. While not the worst example of working from a forklift and pallet – or of a roof pressure washer at work, it shows how much there is still left to do to spread the word on safe working at height, and how bone headed some people can be. Definitely one for our Death Wish series.
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A closer look - no driver?


Nikfud roofing
Never mind the fool who has a death wish, what about the asbestos fibres that will be floating off in all directions!

Sep 21, 2015