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Skyjack supports smart dogs

Skyjack is supporting New York based charity Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities or ECAD for short, as part of its 30 projects for 30 years programme celebrating the 30th anniversary of its founding.

The company, which has donated $10,000 and helped promote the charity, was introduced by one of its largest customers, United Rentals.
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Training a dog to assist those with a disability takes over two years - but a PAL card?

Established in 1995, ECAD trains dogs to help people living with disabilities gain greater independence, in its 20 years of operation the charity has placed 225 dogs with people in 20 states.

Dogs receive 1,500 hours of training for more than two years before they are placed. All dogs learn a basic routine of 89 commands and then receive specialised training to suit the individual’s needs. The charity matches around 20 dogs and people each year, and currently has 60 dogs in training.
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This project was proposed by United Rentals

ECAD marketing director Carrie Picard said: “We are really grateful that Skyjack selected ECAD as one of the 30 projects they are supporting this year. The donation will help towards our goal of doubling our facility and dog training capacity by 2020”.

“We currently have a two year waiting list for one of our service dogs, which is why we launched a $7 million capital campaign to expand our facilities in Torrington. Eventually we hope to have about 20,000 square feet of space to house training and breeding facilities.”

If you wish to help with this worthy charity more information can be foud at


Nice to see the dogs wearing harnesses, they were issued PAL cards but they prefer Pedigree Chum cards.

Nov 12, 2015