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Using every inch

A reader spotted a man in UK yesterday using every millimetre of working height that his step ladder offered, or rather did not offer.

The man is working on a street light at an industrial park in Lutterworth and one assumes that the Ecolectrica van is his, although it may not be. The step ladder is half on the pavement/sidewalk and half in the bushes, he is standing on what the manufacturer designed as a hand hold/rest and not a rung for stepping on.
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Standing on the hand grab - is that his van?

For extra security though he has tied the ladder to the light post, clearly understanding that standing on the top rail would make the ladder unstable and cause it to overturn. So a Death Wish? Well since he is not that high and he has lashed it to the post, hardly the most serious one we have seen – but clearly a case of bad practice, on a job which looks routine and should have been planned – assuming the maintenance work was contracted.
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A closer look at what he is standing on

Have a safe weekend


I saw an identical set-up but with a pedestrian crossing, outside a site I was on.

I asked about it and they told me it was in their RAMS to tie the ladder like that.

Jan 18, 2016

An Old Timer
May be he was fed up of waiting for his machine????

Jan 15, 2016