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Change of directors at Lavendon

John Heywood, a long term non executive director at Lavendon retired at the end of last week after 10 years with the company.
Heywood joined the firm when it went public back in 1996, he had reached the end of his third term of appointment.

Following Heywood's retirement, the Lavendon Board announced the appointment of David Hollywood as a non-executive director of the Company with effect from 28 April 2006.

Hollywood, aged 59 and is a Chartered Accountant, has had a wide-ranging international career, culminating in 14 years as a main board director and chief executive of the Industrial Services Division of Brammer PLC, from where he retired in 2004.

Commenting on the changes, Lavendon chairman, John Gordon, said "The Board wishes John well for the future and thanks him for the significant contribution that he has made to the Group. David's appointment provides the Board with broad operational experience, both in the UK and overseas, which will be a valuable asset for the Group as it enters the next phase of its strategic development."
