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Magni for tree care

German tree care company Baumpflege Bittner has taken delivery of a 29.9 metre/six tonne Magni RTH 6.30 telehandler.
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The Magni RTH 6.30 SH with felling grab in the Berlin-Steglitz city forest with Timo Bittner (L) and Alexander Reisch of Magni Germany

The RTH 6.30 has been especially equipped for tree work, with all telescopic segments sealed at the top and sides to protect the internal components from saw dust, chips and other contaminants.

The new telehandler went out on its first job in Berlin-Steglitz, where it will help remove from storm damaged trees from the city forest. For this purpose, the RTH 6.30 has been fitted with a rotatable woodchip grappling hook to help cut branches.
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The Magni RTH 6.30 telehandler has been modified for tree felling
