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Klaas open day

German aluminium crane and aerial lift manufacturer Klaas has held an open day at its headquarters in Ascheberg, Westphalia, Germany.

More than 600 customers attended the two day event and were able to tour the manufacturing plant. The open house event hosed international guests on the first day, and German customers on the second day.

Fredrik Jansson of Swedish company Krankungen, who ordered a K23-33 TSR City trailer crane during the event said: “I liked what I saw and I think this crane will fit my customers well. It takes some time to sell a new concept but I am confident in these products. It was the same when I started with Maeda but now my customers love our mini cranes and the special skills we can offer.”

Below are some photos from the event.
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Klaas K950 RSX

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Klaas K1003

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Cranes being operated at the open day

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A Klaas employee gives a presentation at the event

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Dinner was served for the guests

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Attendees sit down for a presentation from Klaas

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Over 600 people attended the event from around the world
