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200 Sinobooms for Liftab

Swedish sales and service company Liftab has ordered 200 new 12ft Sinoboom VM4E/VM12E mast type lifts, all of which are scheduled to be delivered before the year end.

The order was signed by Liftab director Joacim Esbjörs and José Miguel Peña general manager of Sinoboom Europe, at APEX this week.
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\L-R) Seated Joacim Esbjörs of Liftab and José Miguel Peña of Sinoboom, standing Per Sten of Liftab and Steven Liu of Sinoboom

The VM12E was unveiled in China last month and offers a working height of 5.8 metres with a platform capacity of 227kg, direct electric drive, an overall length of 1.38 metres, an overall width of 780mm, with an overall height of 1.6 metres while weighing 785kg.

Based in Gothenburg Liftab is a Sinoboom distributor and also handles Niftylft, Teupen, Isoli and Imer.

Sweden was the first country to adopt the steel box section mast lift when the concept, in the form of the UpRight TM12, was first launched in the early 1990s. It has remained a popular machine type in Sweden and the Nordic region ever since.
