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Filming the floods

The Platform Company was recently called upon by the BBC to help with the filming of a documentary following the June floods in Hull. A 21 metre self propelled boom was specified to provide cameramen with a mobile aerial view point over the effected areas.
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The Nifty HR21 in action in Hull last week

The Platform Company’s Leeds area sales manager Samantha Armitage said: “The Nifty HR21 boom provided the perfect access solution for a quite unusual task. The BBC required a machine that allowed a solid platform with ample space for a cameraman, his assistant and the substantial amount of equipment required for a days filming.

Many of the shots were also filmed whilst moving, so it was also important that the boom maintained a steady motion whilst these “sweeping” shots were executed.”

It is estimated that the June floods affected 16,000 homes, or one in 10 households in Hull, and to repair the damage done to schools, public housing, doctors surgeries, roads and leisure centres could cost more than £200 million.

The documentary “Hull – The Forgotten City” was aired at 7.30pm last week on BBC 1
