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Operator run-over by own crane

A crane operator was run over and killed by his own crane in Victoria, Australia yesterday. The accident happened on the Princes Highway, Allestree.

Sergeant Bob Meek of Portland police said the 53-year-old crane operator was driving west when it broke down at Allestree, just past Caledonian Hill Road.

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The operator was killed when his crane rolled backwards down the hill

"The crane broke down half-way up a hill and during the recovery process it rolled out of control back down the hill," said Meek. "The crane ran over the operator - who was standing behind it - with both sets of wheels and then continued down the hill before coming to rest."

A Rural Ambulance Victoria spokeswoman said the man was taken to Portland Hospital in a critical condition but died soon after from injuries to his chest, spine and legs.

Senior Constable Brad Brabham, of the Portland Traffic Management Unit, said it was believed the victim was a workplace training assessor.

Lead and rear vehicles were also travelling with the crane at the time of the breakdown. It was understood the lead vehicle driver was helping to inspect the crane and was fortunate not to be standing in its path when it rolled backwards.

"The brakes have released and the vehicle has run back down the hill for about 430 metres coming to stop on the verge of the road,'' senior constable brabham said.

The crane involved has Glenelg Shire Council stickers on it, but a WorkSafe spokesman said it believed the crane was now owned by a private company.
